Authentic Yoga Teacher Training for Conscious & Empowered Living - Open House

Options to Choose From:

Option 1 - Sunday, July 31, 7:00 to 9:00 PM - RI   **Option 2 - Tue, Aug 2, 7:00 to 8:30 PM  EDT- Online Options 1 comes with complimentary Yogic vegan dinner. Option 2 will have recording if you sign up.

Shanthi Yogini

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Click below to register for an option that suits you the best

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 Upcoming Event

Sunday, July 31
7:00 to 9:00 PM
in RI




  • 1

    #1 Reason for lack of authenticity in Yoga in the U.S

  • 2

    Shocking system of certifying Yoga teachers

  • 3

    Top 3 Litmus tests for an authentic Yoga practice through Stories

  • 4

    3 Deadly Mistakes to avoid

  • 5

    The myth of different Yoga styles

  • 6

    How you can start leading a conscious and empowered life and much more...

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WARNING:  There are limited seats and space will fill up fast. So register now to avoid missing out.  This open house is packed with high quality content!


Watch how Alysia got motivated to join the training...

Watch what made Veronica join the training...

So claim your spot below!

Please register me for the open house