Ultimate Relaxation Blueprint
Welcome to Ultimate Relaxation Blueprint Multi-Media Program!
There are 4 steps to the blueprint. We can call them the 4Rs.
Each step has many lessons either as videos or audios. Please watch or listen to them in the order mentioned until you have realized the truth of STEP 1 and gotten re-educated in STEP 2.
Subsequently, you can go to STEP 3 directly when you want to relax.
STEP 1: Realization
STEP 2: Re-Education
STEP 3: Relaxation Guidance (for Quick Relaxation)
STEP 4: Relaxation Training (for Sustained Relaxation)

Welcome to Ultimate Relaxation Blueprint Multi-Media Program!
The program has 4 steps. Each step has many lessons either as videos or audios. Please watch or listen to them in the order mentioned when you do so for the FIRST TIME.
Subsequently, you can go to STEP 3 directly when you want to relax.
STEP 1: Realization
Step 1 has 4 lessons.
Lesson 1 is a video. The audio version of the lesson is also given below the video, as a bonus.
Lesson 2, 3 & 4 are audios.
Answer the questions in the assignment first and then do the 4 lessons to realize the truth.
Lesson 1: (Video) What is Relaxation?

Lesson 2: (Audio) Why Relaxation is Your Natural State

STEP 2: Get Education
“Get Education” on which activities truly relax you and which activities don’t.
Answer the questions in the assignment first and then watch the videos below to get right education. There are 4 videos in this step.
After you watch the videos below, there is a 2nd assignment to do. Please complete that before proceeding to Step 3.
- Step 2: Pre-Video-Assignment
Do this BEFORE you watch the "Step 2 Videos" below.
- Step 2: Post-Video-Assignment
Do this AFTER you watch the "Step 2 Videos" above.

Total time: 63 minutes
Introduction and conclusion (Tracks 1 & 10) = 10 min
Bonus tracks (Tracks 2 - 4) = 18 minutes
Guided Meditations (Tracks 5 - 9) = 35 min
Track 1 – Introduction (Duration 5:22)
Track 2 – Meditation Basics (Duration 6:16)
Track 3 – Guidelines for Meditation (Duration 5:20)
Track 4 - Benefiting from this Audio (Duration 6:25)
Track 5 - Meditation 1: Refreshed by River (Duration 4:58) - With the background sound of the gushing river
Track 6: Meditation 2: Revitalized by Breeze (Duration 4:57) - With the background sound of the ocean waves and breeze
Track 7 - Meditation 3: Renewed by Sun (Duration 5:44) - With the background sound of the birds chirping and stream
Track 8 - Meditation 4: Relaxed by Air (Duration 5:03) - With the background sound of the rain and birds
Track 9 - Meditation 5: Rejuvenated by Trees (Duration 14:04) - With the background sound of the birds and fountain
Track 10 – Conclusion (Duration 4:44)

How to download the audio tracks?
Step 1 - Right click on the MP3 download file below each audio player
Step 2 - Choose "Save as"
Step 3 - The file gets stored in your device as MP3

Actual Tracks
Track 4 - Benefiting from this Audio (Duration 6:25)
Track 5 - Meditation 1: Refreshed by River (Duration 4:58)
With the background sound of the gushing river
Track 6: Meditation 2: Revitalized by Breeze (Duration 4:57)
With the background sound of the ocean waves and breeze
Track 7 - Meditation 3: Renewed by Sun (Duration 5:44)
With the background sound of the birds chirping and stream
Track 8 - Meditation 4: Relaxed by Air (Duration 5:03)
With the background sound of the rain and birds
Track 9 - Meditation 5: Rejuvenated by Trees (Duration 14:04)
With the background sound of the birds chirping and fountain

Bonus Reports
- Meditation Basics
Helps in understanding the concepts of meditation
- Meditation Guidelines
Helps in preparations for meditation practice