Child Slave Rescue
Slavery is an issue that many of us think is gone from humanity and no longer needs to be addressed, but sadly this is not the case. Thousands of children over the world are forced into bonded labor every day, only to be locked in strange places with unhygienic and grueling conditions separated from their families. India is the country with the highest rate of bonded child laborers, and there is an amazing organization called Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) which literally means “Save the Childhood Movement” that works to eradicate and rescue these children.
Based in New Delhi, this NGO raids locations which are revealed to have illegal child labor and brings the children to their rehabilitation center for counseling, education, and vocational training.

Founder of BBA wins Nobel Peace Prize for 2014

Tell me more about BBA
Vision of BBA
To create a child friendly society, where all children are free from exploitation and receive free and quality education.
Mission of BBA
To identify, liberate, rehabilitate and educate children in servitude through direct intervention, child and community participation, coalition building, consumer action, promoting ethical trade practices and mass mobilisation.
Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) is not a conventional NGO or a typical institution; it is the ray of hope in millions of hearts, the first dream in their eyes, and the first smile on their faces.
It is the sky and wings together for innumerable children, excluded from human identity and dignity, with a desire to fly in freedom. It is the tears of joy of a mother who finds her rescued child back in her lap after years of helplessness and hopelessness.
It is a battle to open the doors of opportunities, a fire for freedom and education in the hearts and souls of thousands of youth committed to wipe out the scourge of slavery and ignorance from the face of mankind.

Nobel Peace Laureate meets US president Obama

What does BBA exactly do?
What They Do
India has a large number of victims of child labor, bonded labor and child trafficking, who are engaged in hazardous and exploitative situations. BBA receives complaints from parents and gathers information from various sources about such children, rescues them with the help of government authorities, and reunites them with their families.
BBA ensures their education and rehabilitation using various state provisions, and through its own rehabilitation-cum- education centers. Since 1980, more than 84,580 child/bonded laborers have been freed from brick kilns, stone quarries, domestic labor, hotels/dhabas, carpet looms, agriculture etc.
BBA makes a major difference in their lives by restoring their childhood, freedom and dignity.
BBA also works to prevent child labor, bonded labor and trafficking through preventative measures. BBA runs campaigns on local, national and international level to change society’s attitudes towards child labor as well as improve government policy and legal provisions.
BBA has also established a program of Bal Mitra Grams (child friendly villages) where the communities are sensitized to effects of child labor, and children receive a quality education and an opportunity to participate in local governance structures.
To find out more about BBA please visit:
Nobel Peace Laureate with Shanthi Yogini - June 2015

What does Yoga for Happiness Academy do and what you can do to support BBA?
We do the following for BBA and you can help us too.
You can collect unused change and pennies lying under the couch or from your purse, and redeem the coins for cash at a local Coin star or any coin counting machine. This is a small yet effective way to raise money especially if donating a big amount directly seems like too much of a financial burden.
If you can arrange to keep boxes marked “Pennies for Freedom” in some shops or restaurant, it would amount to a lot more than you can imagine.
There are Indian clothes and other small gift items (such as incense, ladies jewelry; traditional Indian handmade cards, key chains, pictures, crafts, bags etc.) available as fund-raisers with us. Whatever you invest towards the gift items will be fully donated to help the children. If you are interested in any of these items you can contact us at 401-305-5265.
If you have GENTLY USED clothes or toys or shoes, whose size you have outgrown, you may send them directly to BBA, India. BBA welcomes any and all donations because other than these donated clothes, the children get new clothes only once a year. They never play with toys or have art supplies to express their talents. So anything that you can donate that is gently used, will be greatly appreciated.
Many people, who cannot help by giving pennies or purchasing items due to time or situation constraints, can donate directly to the cause.
You may donate any amount of your choice to the cause below. You may donate as low as $1 or as high as you wish.
We visit India every year and hand over the cash in person to BBA and the children.
We do DVD presentations for awareness generation in various events on child slavery and BBA’s rescue operations and other preventive measures. If you would like to invite us to speak to a group or at an event then please contact us 401-305-5365.
Also, we do fund raising events through cultural programs and fun activities from Indian lifestyle, with booths, family activities and catered dinner.
In this manner,we at “Yoga for Happiness Academy” do KARMA YOGA -volunteer work, fulfilling our vision for Global freedom. Your support to us in any way you can will give you an opportunity to acquire Good Karma.
You can bring a smile – the smile of freedom, love, education and community on the face of every child.
Expenses for a Rescued Child is below: Choose how you want your donation amount to be used…. |
NOTE: Donations through Yoga for Happiness Academy are NOT tax-deductible. You will receive a receipt though, once we hand over the amount.
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Funds from USA