Attention Authentic Yoga-Seeker!
"Learn Authentic Yoga from the comfort of your home in such a way that you never have to re-learn it ever again, and begin to lead a more Conscious & Empowered Life"
Join NOW - YogaSaaram First Lessons: Essence of Authentic Yoga in its Simplest, Pristine & Purest form rendered in 1 Hour!

Let me tell you the story of Janet and Jessica....
Janet and Jessica are friends.
Janet had been going to regular Yoga classes for 2 years. She tried a variety of classes all across the city.
She traveled a lot to experience them all and in the process spent a LOT of money. She practiced many different poses in many different styles, yet did not know any of them in depth.
So it was hard for her to develop a home practice. Even when she practiced at home, she was never confident about doing it right.
Plus ALL she knew about Yoga was JUST YOGA POSES.
But she knew that THERE WAS MORE TO YOGA than what she was taught...
On the other hand, Jessica attended "Non-Western Authentic Yoga-Teacher Training for Conscious & Empowered Living" with Shanthi Yogini, a native of India (rightly called Bhaaratam). She learned the fundamentals of the science of Yoga and its goal as given by the Enlightened Masters.
Her practices went beyond Yoga-poses. She learned powerful techniques to practice at home, even if she had only a few minutes. She began to apply all aspects of Yoga (rightly called Yogah) in her daily life.
She transformed into a new being...
When Janet found out about this, she too signed up for the next batch of the Yoga-Teacher Training.
Do you also want to experience without going to a class, what Janet and Jessica learned in an hour of their training?
Then gain access to the Home-Study Course "YogaSaaram First Lessons" , where you can learn the fundamentals and details of a few simple, yet powerful Yoga-practices.
Through "YogaSaaram First Lessons", you can have an independent and confident short Yoga-Saadhanaa (practice) from the comfort of your home. You can get a taste of learning Yogah (Yoga) authentically.
You can learn how to do even simple Aasanam (Yoga-poses) in an authentic way leading you to the TRUE meaning of Yogah...

Seeking to understand what Yogah REALLY means?
Prepared to unlearn what you've known about Yogah and re-learn?
Willing to be a minority amidst the majority that thinks of it as exercises?
Daring enough to practice Authentic Yogah versus the so-called Yoga?
Believe that quality is more important than quantity?
Trust that you can get a LOT out of even simple practices done rightly?
Can allocate only a short time for a Yoga-practice?
Then you are in the right place....

It showed me Yoga BEYOND the poses
The Yoga session with Shanthi was a very holistic and wonderful experience. It showed me Yoga beyond the poses, usually what we associate yoga with. It was explained in great detail not as an instruction. Every Asana was associated with an object. It is a whole new level of thinking. You think you are a different BEING now. It changes the way you do Yoga, the feeling you get afterwards.
The way she has made the syllabus, it is a class that has reached perfection. She has shared some techniques which are gems revealed to us.
In the past I have attended many sessions, but didn’t find anything close to this. Basically the teacher knows the subject in so much detail that when she is sharing it with us, we also feel that there are so many layers beneath this.
Janani, Architect, Bengaluru, India
What is YogaSaaram First Lessons?
YogaSaaram meaning "Essence of Yoga" is an in-depth Yoga-training that Shanthi conducts in person. In that she covers all the major branches of Yogah (Yoga) and their application in daily life to impact your life positively.
YogaSaaram is learned through 7 of the 10 modules of the "E.M.P.O.W.E.R.I.N.G" system.
"YogaSaaram First Lessons" is the video recording of 1 hour of this intense training and consists of some understanding of REAL Yogah(Yoga), a small meditation and 4 simple Yoga- postures that work on the spine.
Spine is a vital part of the human system. Working on the spine maintains the physical health and right mental state. It also provides the secret to looking young and fit.
"YogaSaaram First Lessons" is simply a taste of the benefits you can get from this ocean of Yogic science and wisdom. Yet its uniqueness is that it can become a mini Yoga-practice by itself, encompassing parts of 3 of the 10 modules of the E.M.P.O.W.E.R.I.N.G system of authentic Yogah.
The word E.M.P.O.W.E.R.I.N.G is an acronym with each letter representing one module. The 3 modules covered partly in "YogaSaaram First Lessons" are:
M – Meditation & Chanting, for the Mastery of Mind (Module 3: CONSCIOUS & EMPOWERED SILENCE)
P – Physical movement, for the Mastery of Mind-Body (Module 2: CONSCIOUS & EMPOWERED MOVEMENT)
O – Origin & goal of YogaH, for the Mastery of Yoga-Basics (Module 1: ESSENCE OF CONSCIOUS & EMPOWERED LIVING)
You get the benefits of greater awareness and relaxation through these modules.
Come and get a taste of the course TODAY....
CAUTION: This is NOT a hour-long video for you to practice along. Your actual practice will be around 13 minutes. The rest is content that provides you an understanding of Yogah (Yoga), foundation for doing the 4 included poses correctly and explanation of how you can benefit from them.
This is the way to understand Yogah and to authentically learn any practice.

I saw her making a COMPLEX thing so very SIMPLE
I’m NOT a person who is practicing Yoga, but it fascinated me. I saw her (Shanthi) making a COMPLEX thing so very SIMPLE. I see it being of use to people who want to improve their flexibility, who have other medical problems…develop better range of motion and strengthen themselves. I can see a tremendous Body-Mind-Spirit connection.
Dr. Yajnaraman (Cardiologist), NJ, USA

Impact your mind along with your body ...
The secret is, that the time you allocate to work on yourself, should be used to simultaneously work on the body as well as the mind. This is TRUE efficiency and productivity!
Laid end to end, there are about 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. And the hard-working heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood through those vessels every day… Your body is constantly working and you owe your life to its miraculous construction. While you may spend a lot of time focused on the fulfillment of your dreams, think about this for a moment.
How would you be able to do anything if your body is not working, or if you are plagued by sickness? You may think about your body ONLY when it is breaking down or when there is a problem.
How would you be able to function in your best if your mind is not balanced, if you are stressed, upset, or depressed?
How effective it will be to learn some very simple practices that you can do from the comfort of your home, that not only impact your body but also your mind at the same time! With this multi-media program, you are taking care of your body, mind, brain and your ENTIRE Being.
It is true; with a simple 13 minute practice you can ……
Take your body, mind and your health to its highest level.
For more than 14 years, people just like you have been benefiting from Authentic Yoga-training with Shanthi to live in their best health through mind-body training.
For the best physical health, the best mental health is required, as the body and mind are connected. Merely working on the body while ignoring your mind (like most do), will not result in lasting health.
While every Yoga-session and Yoga-DVD out in the market makes tall promises, it’s hard for you to differentiate between the authentic or genuine and the inauthentic or superficial. The fact is, the Authentic form of Yogah as given in the Home Study course has been TIME-TESTED for thousands of years, and is now presented to you in a way suitable for modern times. Here the science is NOT altered but presented in its original, ancient form.
That is why “YogaSaaram First Lessons” is the best ENTRY LEVEL training program you need for a sustained short authentic home Yoga- practice for the rest of your life. With the thorough guidance you’ll receive in the downloadable program through several videos, audios, user manual and the training guide that you’ll receive as bonus, you can easily integrate the practices learned, in your daily life.
Even after doing for 2 - 3 hours, I didn’t feel exhausted
This is the first time I am taking a Yoga session. I was looking for relaxation, stretching exercises, and being able to exercise without strain on my body. Even after doing these and breathing techniques for 2 - 3 hours, I did not feel stressed or thirsty. I didn’t feel exhausted, yet I felt the stretch happening.
Senthil, Software Engineer, Bengaluru, India

What This Is NOT...
(This Is NOT Your Typical,
One-size-fits-all, Unsafe "Yoga-Video”)
One-size-fits-all, Unsafe "Yoga-Video”)
Here is What This
Is Really About...
Is Really About...
The user manual included
with this course for your safety is...
with this course for your safety is...
It does not matter how many poses we do, it matters how much we understand
There were some eye opening sessions where I was able to get some answers.
During every posture we learned how the stretch happens, how it interacts with the internal organs, how the blood flows, and what benefits it’s going to give, which is very important when one does yoga. It is helping me to improve my confidence level.
We were able to relate the poses with real time things and get the positive qualities of them. That helps us to feel that we are part of Earth and how we are interrelated and this actually makes us to understand things in a different way. Every posture actually was very complete.
I think this is the right way to learn Yoga. It does not matter how many poses we do, it matters how much we understand and we do.
Kartikayan, Software Engineer, Bangalore, India
Outcome from practicing Yogah...
While the main goal of practicing Yogah is union with the higher power and with the existence, below are some side benefits...
Weight Loss
You get your exercise and not even realize it’s happening. You lose weight without sweating.
Regulates Thyroid Glands
The entire body begins to work well. It helps with menstrual problems.
A New Experience
You experience Yoga poses through many different layers. You extract its essence to the maximum.
Expanded Learning
You’ll learn techniques and secrets that you will not learn anywhere else
Boosts Self-image
It shapes the body, adds glow to the skin, and helps stay youthful. It is a practical way to feel beautiful inside-out
Improves Patience
Attempting to slow down the breath in every movement develops patience
Reduces Depression
You appreciate everything around like mountains and trees. You realize your role in the world.
Improves Attention
Focusing on the incoming and outgoing breath as you move, is an easy way to improve attention. It benefits those with A.D.D
I came to know A LOT about traditional Yoga today
Nowadays we hear that Yoga is like aerobics. I came to know a lot about traditional Yoga today. I came looking for flexibility. I learned about breathing exercises and how relaxing they can be. Even though I had learned some of these poses before, I did not know how to do them with the right breathing. Now I know…
Ambily, Software Engineer, Bengaluru, India
"YogaSaaram First Lessons - Authentic Yoga in its Simplest, Pristine & Purest Form" is Valuable...
Shanthi's Personal Journey ...
For the past 14 years, Shanthi Yogini, currently living in Rhode Island, USA, has been a Master Teacher for Yoga-Teachers and Yoga-students, having transitioned from her software profession. She is the founder of “Yoga for Happiness Academy” which serves Yoga-teachers, Yoga-enthusiasts, thought leaders and leaders-in-the making through online, digital media and in person.
The Yoga-practice and tradition have been passed down through generations to Shanthi. Her ancestors have been strict vegetarians for generations, living a Yogic way of life. Yogah, Samskritam, Meditation, Dance, and Chanting have been her way of life since she was 5 years old.
Shanthi has passion for Samskritam language and at home she converses purely in Samskritam with her daughter. Shanthi and her daughter teach conversational Samskritam to youth and adults. Since this ancient language is the Yogic language on many levels, it has deepened Shanthi's understanding of original Yoga texts and thus helped her in authentic Yoga-teaching.
Through the above practices,
- Shanthi experiences inner peace, increased awareness and focus
- She has developed self-confidence and public-speaking skills.
- She has enhanced her creativity, which has resulted in unique Yoga-Teacher Training.
- As her students quote, she is able to live her entire life in a spiritual way.
- While working in computer software, she gained clarity of vision and life purpose. With this new-found clarity and focus, she was inspired to transition from her software profession to sharing this wealth of wisdom with the world, thus living her life purpose.
- Since the time she became a single mother of her new born in 1994, she has exhibited inner strength, courage and forgiveness, and thus a role model to her daughter since then.
Before, I didn't know the reason or science behind the Yoga poses. Now I know...
I feel very happy I took the initiative to attend. I have taken Yoga classes earlier, some in Germany and some in India, but these classes are different. Before I was doing Yoga poses, but I didn’t know why. I didn’t know the reason or science behind them. These poses I learned before in other Yoga sessions, but I didn’t know the use or how to do it perfectly. Now I know.
Phani Krishna, Software Engineer, Bengaluru, India
Features of YogaSaaram First Lessons ...
- When you access "YogaSaaram First Lessons" course, you’ll find it to be a robust multi-media wellness building experience. Your spine will be strong and secure like the foundation upon which you will build everything else that is good in your life.
- As you build awareness to mastering your health and mind, your relationships, career, economics and emotional well-being will prosper as a direct result
- This course is very detailed and thorough.
- With this course, you are going to receive several individual videos for each aspect of the pose.
- You will receive a Master practice video which combines all of the individual practice videos together to enable you to have a 13 minute practice.
- You will receive MP3s extracted from the practice videos, and training guides and user manual.

This course is unique, authentic, easy and practical…
You do the posture as Yogic exercise first before holding it
Every practice is taught mentioning where applicable, physical, mental, intellectual, social, as well as spiritual benefits
Every movement is done synchronizing it with the in-breath or out-breath. It is completely authentic.
The practice is NOT just exercises. The session begins with 3 Aum sounds , and ends with guided mini relaxation-meditation. You also relax between postures and between two sides of doing a posture.
So the 13 minute session is a complete day’s meal with a proper breakfast, lunch, dinner, and nourishing snacks in between. In other words, a complete practice by itself. How many 13 minute Yoga practice sessions can claim this?
For every practice, you learn the name in the Yogic language of Samskritam, the word meaning, and why it is named so.
Since Yogah means “Union” with everything and everyone around, an authentic practice must provide the condition for realizing this. This training spells out those thoughts to emphasize this universal connection.
You are made to observe and share the effect in your body after each pose.
You get the basic understanding of REAL Yogah, NOT fitness based one
To encourage reverence for all things around, which will ultimately lead to oneness, thoughts on what nature teaches us is shared as relevant to the context, making it totally educational.
The attire used is appropriate for teaching Authentic Yogah
You learn variations of a practice so that you can do to the extent you can
Every practice is taught as an individual unit of 1, 2 or 3 minutes, so that you can practice in a short available time
You are taught the fundamentals in every practice so that you never get confused
Clarity is given regarding the Do’s and Don’ts of right practice through a separate video for each pose, though it is being explained in the practice video.
To enable you to feel the presence of a teacher and to make it easy for you to do the correct hand and leg position, the whole practice is done in the video as a mirror reflection of you, so that you don’t have to figure out which side the teacher does, and which side you have to do.
Learning how to do an hour long Yoga-practice does not make it practical, because, in the busy life these days, it may be hard to get an hour at a stretch to invest in yourself.
So this Home Study course teaches you how to snatch 1 or 2 minutes to invest in yourself
You learn how to integrate every practice into your busy life
In case your body does not allow you to do physical movements on a certain day, or you have less time, you can still do the 2 minute meditation
Since every posture is an independent unit, you can choose any posture and do it on your own any time.
You can appreciate and practice on your own only if your understanding is thorough. The Home Study course is structured to make it possible. Just by looking at the several bullet points above, you can understand the thoroughness of it.
You learn the general Do’s and Don’ts before and during practice for your own safety

Yogah for Empowerment, Healing and Happiness
In this Home Study course, you will receive the 3 “T”s based on the time-tested ancient wisdom through Shanthi, a rare Yogini, born and raised in Bhaaratam (India), the birthplace of Yogah (Yoga). She has studied Vedanta(The basis for Yogah), Samskritam(The language of Yogah), and claasical dance (A minor stream of Yogah called “Naatya Yogah”).
In "Yoga-Saaram: First Hour", she will take you on a fun, unique and authentic journey of higher vibrations, starting from the physical body, meandering through mental, intellectual and social planes, and finally culminating in spirituality.
This format of training is like NO OTHER and opens the door to your inner portals, the abode of TRUE EMPOWERMENT, HEALING and HAPPINESS.

Bonus 1: Yoga for Happiness Training Guide
- This guide contains individual posture sheets for every posture. There are totally 6 sheets for the 4 main postures, 1 starting position posture and 1 relaxation position posture. Each sheet contains:
- The method of doing the posture
- The benefits at physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual levels
- Any contraindications
- Affirmation for each posture
- This bonus helps you to remember everything learned in the training
- It motivates you to incorporate the practices in your life
- It stops you from giving excuses for not practicing
- It helps you to feel confident in your practices
- It ensures that you are doing the practices correctly
- It makes you understand the various ways the postures can benefit you
- It enables you to practically apply the postures in daily life

- This bonus addresses your safety
- This is something rarely addressed in typical Posture classes
- You learn the best time and place to do your practice
- You learn the best food to eat before practice
- You learn the best way to do a Yoga practice
- In all, you learn the precautions before and during Yoga practice
- You also learn why those precautions are necessary

Bonus 3: Access to Version 2 of this program at NO charge
(Will be released in spring of 2018)
[Valued at $297]

I learned why we hold the posture, something not taught in other classes
Deb, Yoga Student, Rhode Island, USA

The value of "YogaSaaram First Lessons"
which includes
1 Hour of video training
13 Minute practice video
And corresponding MP3s is $397
The value of bonuses for "YogaSaaram First Lessons"
which includes
Training guide
User manual
Version 2 (when released)
And Private Forum is $1147
The total value of "YogaSaaram First Lessons"
which includes 1 Hour of video training, 13 Minute practice video, corresponding MP3s, and the bonuses is $397 + $1147 =
But your investment will be just
(Valid for the first 25 orders only, after which your investment may increase)

30 Day Risk Free DOUBLE Guarantee
Turn on any video, move to any point in the video and watch it just for 2 minutes; Turn on any Audio and listen to it for 2 minutes; open any workbook to any page and if in 2 minutes you are not already convinced that, you have gotten your money’s worth in what you have seen, then go ahead and return it right away.
Otherwise put the material to test for 30 days and see for yourself if you can begin to notice the difference in yourself.
If you are not happy for any reason or No reason at all, we’ll refund your money back. No questions asked. So you risk nothing at all.

The Home Study Course includes:
The Posture Related Videos include:

The Final combined course has:

The Home Study course includes the following:
- 5 Yogah Intro Videos
- 16 Posture related Videos
- 4 Individual Practice Videos
- 1 Mini 13 Minute Practice Video

- 4 Individual Practice Audio
- 1 Mini 13 Minute Practice Audio
- Relaxation-Meditation Audio

Most Typical Yoga classes
- Not require you to be present in a class at a specific time and place
- Learn from the comfort of your home
- Provide comprehensive understanding of Yogah
- Have videos of poses and techniques for repeated practice
- Have wide range of individual practices from 2 minutes to 13 minutes
- Like-minded group support 24×7 through private forum
- Opportunity to have accountability partners from a private forum
- MP3 to practice anywhere
- Training Guide for easy independent practice
- Money back guarantee
- Improve your confidence in practicing poses on your own
- Save hours of class time from your life (Use it for family and hobbies)
- Study in private and save hundreds by learning in your own time
- Download the MP3s to take with you on your iPhone / iPAD

Shanthi's teaching style is like you are having a private class
This program is just excellent. Shanthi explains the poses so clearly and precisely, that it is like you are having a private class. She shows the correct pose along with the common corrections, that students new to the work may need. The camera work on the videos is well done. Lots of love and care went into making this program ~ a delight to study,learn and grow. Shanthi, I am so grateful for you sharing this authentic program with us ! I love this YogaLaasyam (yoga/dance/story) program!
Joan Novack, RN and Ayurvedic Practitioner (student), Massachusetts, USA

Some Questions & Clarifications....
Is it possible to ACTUALLY learn Yogah (Yoga) in just 1 Hour? Don't we need to learn for months and years?
If you use a syllabus-based curriculum, even 1 Hour is sufficient to begin some independent practice in Yogah. This is edited 1 hour video. So, the actual class time was longer than 1 hour.
If you watch “Copy-the-Instructor” kind of Yoga-DVDs, 1 hour is definitely NOT sufficient to LEARN Yogah. All you can do is COPY the poses / exercises. -
Why is it important to explain so much about every Yoga practice? Can't I learn by just watching the typical DVDs?
The more powerful a training is, the more guidance it requires to ensure that only benefits come out of the training and NOT danger. Also to get the full essence from every practice, explanation is needed. Then you get to know every pose very intimately and can get benefits at multiple levels.
Will I get any substantial benefit by doing just a 13 minute practice?
If you attend “Copy-the-Instructor” kind of “Fitness” classes, you’ll not get much even in 1 hour.
But here quality is given more importance rather than quality. So even doing a single pose for 2 or 3 minutes following the guidance in the video will benefit you a lot. A 13 minute practice is a great practice and remember, it is authentic practice.
Rather than learn Yogah(Yoga) through video from you, won't it be better for me to attend a regular Yoga class near my house?
Sorry! It will NOT be better attending a regular class if your interest is to learn REAL Yogah and start a REAL practice REAL soon. The typical classes are NOT structured to “Train” you. So even if you attend for a long time, it is hard to know how to incorporate the various tools and techniques confidently in your life. You never get to become independent. So you keep going for years without a deep understanding.

Yes, Shanthi ! I am ready to invest in myself!
I am ready to:
- Improve my confidence in practicing poses on my own
- Save hours of class time out of my life which could be used for my family or other pursuits.
- Jump start my Yoga-practice & save hundreds by practicing in my own time
- Incorporate Yogah in my daily life
- Use even 2 minutes in a day towards enhancing myself
My Wellness is TOTALLY WORTH IT. I know that I will be getting all of these below as part of this training.
Though the total course value is $1544,
My investment for this training Today is only $97
(Valid for the first 25 orders only, after which your investment may increase)