Yoga-Teacher Training
Dates & Syllabus
Yoga-Teacher Training Testimonials
Jump-Start Yoga-Practice Testimonials
Deepening Yoga-Practice Testimonials
Yoga-Talk Testimonials
Talk to us – Open House
Recording of the Open House
The complete recording has been split into multiple videos of shorter duration topic-wise for ease of watching. Enjoy!
Join NOW - The Ancient Yoga in its pristine and purest form!
Intro & Typical Yoga Teacher Training Programs
My thoughts on Yoga Alliance’s Teacher Training Approval Process
Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus Week 1 & Sanskrit
Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus Week 2 & 3
Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus Week 4 & 5
Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus Week 6 & 7
Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus Week 8 & 9
Yoga Teacher Training - Who can benefit?
Yoga Teacher Training - Investment
Yoga Teacher Training Student Teacher Match
Yoga Teacher Training - Meal Plan